Well guys, this is my first post on my own blog. Everyone knows about
itsthewood.com, which I sorta just flow and it became into a legitimate place for hip-hop content, and your support is greatly appreciated. I'm using this one though more so as a place to track my journey towards making classic music and just document me living life, because as Pac said, "Your rise to the top is the best part of the whole ride".
Lemme take this time to properly introduce myself. I'm S.o.S, full-time rapper, also twilighting as a blogger and contributor for
itsthewood.com and
yoraps.com. I am born and bred in the home of the haze, otherwise known as Washington Heights, New York, New York. I am a firm believer that my city helped raise me and made me who I am, so I will do everything to demonstrate why it is truely the greatest city on the planet. My hood hasn't really been represented within hip-hop, and I plan to change that, or at least motivate someone who does.
I am part of The Wood, a group of us who started this rhyming thing together, and I firmly believe we can all make it to the top together as well. Aside from me, there's Rob Acosta, Lou Fortune, Kobe Blunt and A!R Raid, and we were all born to be on that microphone. I can't put into word how much it means to me to have a group of my brothers surrounding me to be my cruches, as well as everyone else who's doing everything they can to help me become as big as I think I can get. To all you guys, I love and appreciate ya more than ya will ever know.
This music thing has been an amazing thing in my life thus far, so I can only imagine how much better it'll get. So to quote one of my favorite artists, J. Cole, "With that said, stick with me. It's gonna be a crazy journey."